minnow's Blog

We all spend so much money on presents for our kids but they still get the best entertainment value out of a free, empty, cardboard box – perhaps this should tell us something! Our current, resident cardboard box has spent most of the week being a train or a bus with Monkey as the driver and his teddies as the passengers. Even Brewster kitten was allowed to be a passenger at one point, he...
Last updated: 03/07/2013 by minnow
We all love trains in this house, so when Monkey’s Godmummy suggested meeting up at STEAM – Museum of the Great Western Railway , in Swindon we thought it was a great idea. Swindon is just over an hour away from us, and we set off yesterday morning in Oxfordshire’s unexpected snow storm! It all added to the excitement, but luckily the snow turned to rain by the time we reached the outskirts...
Last updated: 03/06/2013 by minnow
When Monkey was born I was determined that he would not be afraid of water …… I have been afraid of water for as long as I can remember, not in all forms I must add. I can actually drink a glass of water and have a bath, but I have issues!! Before I was 26 I couldn’t swim, having a shower was a total trauma if the shower head was fixed, froze halfway across some stepping-stones which crossed...
Last updated: 14/05/2013 by minnow
I can't imagine a life without books; I've been surrounded by them for as long as I can remember. When my brother and I were small we regularly visited our local library with my Mum and I have been a bookworm ever since. Long before I ever dreamt of having Monkey I can remember working with a lady, the same age as me, who had 2 small boys. She told me that she didn't have time to read...
Last updated: 12/05/2013 by minnow
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