When to start weaning is a personal decision, which is entirely the parent’s choice. The appropriate time varies greatly because every child is different and they tend to reach the stage where milk is no longer enough at their own pace. There is also mum’s situation to consider and this can be influenced by many things including the need to prepare for returning to work or it can be simply that she feels it is the right time for her and her baby.
As a very general guideline, it is widely accepted that solids should not be introduced to your baby’s diet before 4 months and not later than 6 months. Up to 4 months, your baby’s digestive system and kidneys are not ready to handle solids yet. It is also thought that if you introduce solids too early, your baby is more prone to allergic reactions as their system has not adequately matured.
Whenever you decide that you and your baby are ready to begin weaning, then this is the right time for you and is totally acceptable as long as your baby is getting all the nutrition they need.