Most of us our guilty of being on our phones a lot more than we should, and while they have become a necessary part of our daily lives, it is important we limit their use.


While there is no doubt that they are a great way to communicate and stay in touch with friends, there is no denying that our phone use is interfering with not just our own lives but also our children's.


Here are seven reasons why it is time to put your phone away when you are with your child: 


1. You are more irritable

How many times have you snapped at your child simply because they distracted you while you were looking through your phone? A lot of us our guilty of this, so it's time to make a change now. 


2. You are distracted

You are never fully in the moment if you have one eye on your child and one on your phone. Beeps, calls and notifications are a constant distraction and can get in the way of family life.


3. You’re missing out on your child’s life

Whether they are at swimming or playing at match you are missing small and sometimes even major milestones by constantly having your head bent over your phone.



4. You’re wasting time

How many times has your child asked you to go outside and play with you only for you to say you have no time? If you factor in the amount of hours you spend on your phone each day, putting it away will give you that time to go outside.


5. You’re less approachable

Your child will feel intimated talking to you or even approaching you if you look like you are engrossed in something important on your phone. You need to make yourself available so that if your kid has a problem or an issue they won’t worry about approaching you.


6. It’s rude

If you were out with someone you wouldn’t like them to constantly check their phone rather than talk to you – it’s rude. And the same goes for when you are around your child, whether you are out and about or at home.


7. You will feel less stressed

Constant information and social media can cause us to feel frustrated, irritable and less able to sleep. All these factors can affect your stress levels which in turn affect how you cope and handle tasks and daily life. 


The world can wait while you enjoy your time with your youngster. 




