It’s perfectly normal for your child this age to have fears. After all, anxiety is a natural condition that helps us cope with new experiences and protects us from potential danger. Primary school children’s worries and fears are based in reality, though fears of the dark or the supernatural (ghosts, monsters and aliens) may still persist.
Some children can be afraid of animals, insects, and natural disasters like fires and earthquakes, although these fears are likely to go away during the primary school years as your child gets more familiar with such phenomena.
News stories about death, crime, violence, war or natural disasters may also cause anxiety. Your 6-8 year old may also worry about a serious illness, accident or death in the family, since he now understands the significance of these events.
A shy, sensitive, or withdrawn child may be afraid of strangers or social situations such as birthday parties, summer camp, or even school. Most of your five-eight year old’s fears will disappear as he becomes more secure in his world. 

