When it comes to our kids’ milestones many of us only celebrate the things they do in the early years, often forgetting the incredible achievements they have as they grow.


While it is important to remember that all children develop at different stages and not become overly consumed if they appear to be behind or ahead of their peers, here are eight milestones that absolutely must be celebrated when your child hits them!


1. Solving simple maths problems

 Maths is a tricky subject and one that should most definitely be celebrated when your child has that Eureka moment!



2. Being able to read

While it can be sad saying goodbye to the bedtime reading, knowing your child is now able to read their own story is pretty impressive!



3. Being able to write their name

Whether they have a short, long or complicated name, when they manage to write it on their own it deserves to be celebrated.



4. Making their own decisions

While it can be a bit of a nuisance when your child decides what afterschool activities they want to attend, it is simply them expressing their own opinions and likes.



5. Wanting to save their money

They finally understand the meaning and importance of money, and are displaying independence and self-awareness.  



6. Tying their own shoe laces

This is definitely one for the memory book – an major achievement in itself.



7. Getting their own breakfast

You’ll get at least one extra hour in bed, and they’ll finally have the independence they so crave!



8. When they can get in and out of the car on their own

No more catching your fingers in the clasp, although you secretly double check it’s done right, just in case!




