Do you know all the signs of early pregnancy?


Some pregnancy symptoms are quite subtle, and it's easy to dismiss these as PMS or stress.


If you've been trying to get pregnant, keep an eye out for these seven changes - your body could just be sending you an important message!


1. Tender breasts

Hormone changes can cause tenderness in breasts, and if this is coupled with darkened areolas, it's usually a good indicator of early pregnancy



2. Needing the loo more often

A combination of pregnancy hormones, a larger volume of blood in your system, and your kidneys working harder can cause you to urinate more than usual. 



3. Headaches

Some women experience headaches in early pregnancy as the body adjusts to the hormonal changes. 



4. Mood swings

Bawled your eyes out or lost your temper at something insignificant? It might not be could be a bun in the oven!




5. Missed period/spotting

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is missing a period, but you may still have some light bleeding, known as spotting. Just keep an eye on your cycle and flow.



If your 'period' seemed very light, it might have been implantation bleeding, where the fertilised egg attaches to the uterine wall and causes spotting.


6. Aversion to certain smells

Is taking out the rubbish making you feel sick, or you can you no longer bear strong cooking smells?



It's one way to get out of bin duty!


7. Sickness/nausea

Not all women experience morning sickness, and symptoms vary in those who do. 


You could be slightly queasy, or you could be vomiting all day.



Don't worry too much about this, it settles down as the pregnancy progresses.


Remember, your local GP is the best person to advise you on pregnancy; so if you have any questions, book an appointment. 


