

We’ve all heard the stories of people who uttered the well-meaning, “When are you due?” only to practically faint in horror when the person replies, “I’m actually not pregnant.”


Hey ground, you wouldn’t do me a favour and just swallow me up? Thanks, that would be great.


Can you imagine?


So, just in case you weren’t sure, here’s the definitive guide of when you should ask a woman if she’s pregnant.


Better safe than sorry and all that.



She has a large bump, and is holding said bump maternally.


No, do not ask.


She is buying 3,000 packs of nappies in the supermarket and wearing a t-shirt that says, “Proud Momma To Be!”


No, do not ask.


You bump into her as she’s shopping for maternity jeans.


No, do not ask.


She talks about having a bun in the oven.


No, do not ask. She could be baking for all you know.


She’s massaging her lower back while shopping for a baby car travel system.


No, do not ask.


You’re told by a reputed source that she is in fact pregnant.


No, don’t risk it for the love of God.


She hints heavily about being pregnant: “Guess what’s in my tummy now… go on guess, I’ll give you a clue waaah… waaah…”


Could be a trick, DON’T ask.  


Her waters break


Maybe, but on your own head be it…


You see the baby’s head coming out


NOW you can ask (but still act surprised).


Got a giggle from this? Why not SHARE and spread the LOLs!


