From describing certain bodily functions in a busy supermarket, asking innocent questions that don't sound quite so innocent, to having hilarious names for things, kids say the funniest things on a daily basis.


And while it is a little tricky to keep track of them everyday, there is always one comment that stands out each month.


We asked MummyPages Mums what was the most amusing thing their little one said this January, and this is what they said... Brace yourself for a good old laugh-out-loud session. 


1. Tanya, Meath: "Mammy why has that lady got a moustache????.....oh cringe."


2. Caitriona: "I was at FHC preparation mass recently and my then 3yr old daughter told me, during a silent few moments towards the end of mass, quite audibly, that she had done a fart! She then asked me could I smell it.......?"


3. Leigh: “My 3 year old proudly announced to her Grandad that she can multitask, cos she can sneeze and fart at the same time!!!”


4. Yvonne: “I was singing along to CBeebies and my 3 year old little boy was not impressed... "stop Mam stop! That's the noise of the horses" There goes my X Factor audition...”


5. Edel: “Oh my god, imagine you didn't have a brain! You wouldn't be able to think. Aoife, Age 5”


6. Deirdre, Dublin: “My two year old was chatting with my three year old one day on the luas going over the Liffey, my two year old informed my 3 year old that the Liffey had no crocodiles or octopus, the 3 year old agreed, my two year old then informed him that they live in the Dodder!”


7. Ann, Carlow: “Mammy why does Charlie have my mickey in his hand!! my 1 1/2 year old had mickey mouse [and] the 7 yr old wasn't impressed”


8. Jane: ”My daughter told me she told the teacher she hears mummy & daddy in bed at night. When I asked what she hears she replied you watch videos on your phone and laugh! I bet the teacher didn't ask for further explanation!”


9. Louise: “Mummy, are you telling porcupines?”


10. Jody: “I'm on a diet and have lost 6lb in th last 3 weeks, my 6 year old son turned to me yesterday in the car and said"wow mummy look at your belly it isn't touching the steering wheel anymore!" 


11. Leasa: ”My 5 year old girl got annoyed with her daddy at the weekend,stomped across the landing,saying he had ruined her life.....because,he had dropped her toy doctors set on her bedroom floor! lol  her!!”


12. Colleen, Nothinghamshire: “My 11 year old daughter was listening in on a conversation where I was informing my husband he had until today to let me know what he wants for his birthday, my daughter asked what would happen if he didn't, I replied saying 'ooh I will tie him up.. ' she then quickly interrupted with 'oh and WHIP him' I nearly fell on the floor”


13. Caryl: “My 2 year old son's surname is Brett-Thomas and he is obsessed with Thomas the tank. He is now saying his full name and calls addresses himself as Brett-Thomas the tank engine!! it's very cute to hear!”


14. Joanne: “Mummy, that woman is so big she doesn't fit in my eyes! :0”



15. Becky: “I'm 26 weeks pregnant and my daughter who is 6 asked if the baby was kicking, I said "no I think she's sleeping" she then asked if the baby was wearing pyjamas!”


16. Daniella: “My daughter said yesterday that she knew my niece was her cousin because she went to her christening. Bless she's 5.”


17. Laura, Lincolnshire: “If you ask my nearly 2 year old if she's ok she replies "yeah, you?" everytime!”


18. Jessica, London: “My son has started to stand next to me when we're out shopping and ask strangers where his mummy is,leaving me to stand their laughing out of embarrassment and walking away with a child this person now thinks has been stolen."


19. Kathy, Oxfordshire: “My three year old and I were discussing how him and his sister have the same parents - he agreed that I was mummy to both of them but then said " Daddy is not Emily's Daddy, Mark is" (One of Daddy's best friends)!! - ummm awkward!!”


20. Kirstine: ”My three year old and I were discussing how him and his sister have the same parents - he agreed that I was mummy to both of them but then said " Daddy is not Emily's Daddy, Mark is" (One of Daddy's best friends)!! - ummm awkward!!”


21. Chloe: ”My son aged 4 in a sainsburys loo...MUM WHY DO YOU HAVE FLUFF ON YOUR BUM....cue hysterical laughter from the lady in the adjoining cubicle.”


Even our dads had something to say:


22. Tim: “My little boy was listening in on a conversation where i said something about supervision of something. He said"mummy, superman has super vision"!!!! Made me chuckle!! And he is quite right too ”


And we know this, technically, didn’t happen this month, but we just had to include it:


23. Amy: “When my daughter was two, a lady went by on a mobility scooter. She shouted 'wow! Look at that robot!!!!' Hahahaha"


