Childbirth is the most amazing thing in the world, but there are some births that are particularly breathtaking. 


When a baby is born "en caul," they come out of their mum's womb in an unbroken amniotic sac.


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One in every 80,000 births are en caul, whereby babies enter the world still encased in their bubble of amniotic fluid.


During these en caul births, the mum won't experience her "water breaking" because the amniotic sac has remained intact. 


Most en caul births occur in premature babies, and is sometimes believed to be good luck. 



The word caul derives from the Latin word for helmet, which makes sense because the amniotic sac looks like a clear little helmet surrounding the baby. 


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In order to get a better idea of what an en caul birth looks like, we surfed the Internet, and discovered some truly amazing imagery. 


Was your little bub born en caul? 


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