Every year, companies battle it out to create the cutest, saddest and most festive Christmas ads.


We got all nostalgic over the CocaCola truck, had all the feels for the John Lewis ad and held back the tears over Lidl's  heart wrenching offering that only cry-face emojis can accurately describe. 



Now, another Christmas ad had been unveiled by Polish auctioneer company Allegro, and it's gone viral this week thanks to it's heart-warming story.


Spoiler alert, but in the ad one lonely Grandad works hard to learn perfect English before jetting off to the other side of the world to meet his Grandchild for the first time. 


Cue: floods of tears. 





The viral ad has thousands of comments and millions of views, and people are obsessed with Robert and his dog.


Well played, Allegro, well played. 


