Eight years ago, Kasey Edwards and her husband made the decision not to allow any other man care for their daughter.


After being shocked by the ‘horrifying statistics’ of child sexual abuse caused by men known to the children involved, Kasey decided that her husband would be the only man to care for her.


Now a mum-of-two, Kasey has stuck to this rule and says that she has never had any problems.



“Eight years ago, when my first daughter was born, my husband and I had a conversation,” Kasey said, on Australia’s Channel Ten.


“We based it on horrifying statistics, and the risk of child sexual abuse caused by known men, and we decided that it was just easier and safer for us to have this rule.”


The rule also extends to Kasey’s father-in-law and her own father, but she says they have no problem with it and called the decision ‘sensible’.


“I don’t want to think of anyone in my family or any friend and question whether or not they could be a potential sex offender,” the author said.



There is one man, however, who is allowed care for her daughter - and that is her teacher,


“My daughter has a lovely male teacher at her kindergarten, and she adores him - and so do we.


“The childcare centre is so well run – it’s got processes and structures in place – that we don’t even have to think about the safety of that situation,” Kasey said.


Watch the full interview below.




