For a lot of women, juggling a full time job during pregnancy is the norm. Unfortunately that means even on days that you don’t feel well, you will have to smile and be nice or sit for long periods of time depending on your job.
While each woman deals with it in their own way, these tips will help ensure you are less stessed while working:
Tell management
As soon as you are ready to start telling people your news, you need to inform your boss. Depending on how you are feeling or your doctor’s recommendations, you might need to take time off and it is better your boss is well aware of the situation so that you can work together. They might even be able to offer you flexi time or reduce some of the workload.
Discuss if things are getting too tough
If you are finding it a little tough make sure you tell your boss. Pregnancy can be exhausting and the last thing anyone wants, including your boss, is to have you falling ill. Talk about working from home, reducing your hours or working longer days when you are feeling better.
Morning sickness
Being at work will mean you will have to endure pregnancy symptoms in an office full of people. However, you shouldn’t use being pregnant as an excuse to skip work. If you suffer from morning sickness avoid eating large portions during the day, instead snack on dry, light food like crackers and small healthy snacks like fruit to keep your energy levels up. If possible, arrange to have your desk moved closer to the bathroom so you will feel more at ease if you do start to feel ill.
Once you are open and upfront with your boss about appointments you shouldn’t have a problem fitting them in. If possible, try to plan them during your lunch break, in the morning or late evening. Arrange appointments with your doctor in advance, especially if you have monthly meetings, to avoid the stress of rearranging other appointments.
Maternity leave
Make sure you discuss your maternity leave with your boss, telling them the exact day that you will be leaving and when you will be back. You will likely have to do a handover booklet or list outlining your duties and what is expected of your role every day so try to do this in advance. The earlier you do it the less pressure you will have at the later stages of pregnancy.

