We all know how excited our little ones get when there's a party planned. 


Cake, balloons and games –  what  could go wrong? 


Hmm...a lot...


1. You realise a child hasn't been invited at the last minute

Whether it's a playground snub or a mix-up, it's not nice for any child to be left out.


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So you try and smooth it over by inviting them and hope that all hell won't break loose.


2. Someone has an accident

There are way too many children to watch and, sooner or later, someone bumps their head, skins their knees or falls off a bike. 



You hope their mum won't blame you; after all, they've probably been in this position too. 


3. There's a fussy eater

Despite all the cakes and treats on offer, there's always one who will hardly eat anything.



4. The green-eyed monster emerges

If your little one is showing off all their presents, then someone is bound to get jealous. 



Cue fights, tears and tantrums.


5. Your kids will be invited to two different parties on the same day

How to pull this one off without offending anyone?



6. The goody bags will be the highlight of the day

They'll be walking around wearing the candy watch, and no one will be able to get them to part with it.



7. The birthday boy or girl will beg to light the candles

NO WAY are you giving them a lighter, even if it is their birthday!



8. The family pet makes a swift departure

Your cat or dog will get tired of the attention pretty quickly.



9. There's always a brat

That one child who announces their party was/will be more fun, or manages to make someone cry every five minutes.



You feel like strangling them, but for some reason your child is friends with them.


10. You really, REALLY regret agreeing to a fancy dress theme

The birthday boy or girl insisted on the "best"(expensive) outfit, and you can't tell who's who because there are ten different Elsas in your living room.


Never again...

