Do you have a big age gap between your kiddiwinks?


While there’s no doubt that having kids close in age has heaps of benefits, there’s something SO special about having kids with a big age gap too – and not just for kids, for parents too.


Here are six reasons why age gap families are so awesome:


1. No sibling rivalry


Sibling rivalry generally comes about as a result of kids comparing themselves to their similarly-aged counterparts. However, when there’s a big gap, this generally isn’t an issue as there’s no ‘threat’. So basically what we’re saying is that age gap kids are far less likely to pull each other’s hair fighting over a toy or mum’s attention!



2. The wonderful relationship


The loving relationship between older kids and their much younger siblings really is a wonderful thing to behold. Older children are protective and doting, while younger kids hero worship their precious big brothers and sisters.


3. The positive influence


Older kids often act as a ‘bridge’ between parents and younger siblings as often kids are more likely to listen to their older brothers and sisters. Why? Well their siblings can often understand them a little better as they’re more on their wavelength. As well as this, as role models to their younger family members, older brothers and sisters impart wisdom and guidance, helping their siblings make better choices.



4. Older kids will become more independent


When kids have younger siblings they see themselves as the ‘grown up’ of the piece. Okay, okay they may be like, nine, but when their sibling is two, you can see why they would consider themselves practically an adult! In between helping you around the house and everything that comes with being a big brother or sister, they’re naturally encouraged to become more independent.


5. It makes life interesting


One minute you could be planning a child’s princess birthday party, and the next you’re organising a meal for a college graduation. Having kids of various different ages sure makes for a fun and interesting household!




What are your favourite things about having a big age gap between your kids? We'd love to hear from you!


SHARE if you have an 'age gap' family and you wouldn't have it any other way! 


