Is this you?!


All mums are different: some are fly by the seat of their pants types that leave things to the last minute and still manage to pull them off; some are super relaxed and do things at their own pace sans stress (ahm, when we say ‘some’ we really mean ‘few’) and some are super organised and leave absolutely nothing to chance.


Here are eight signs you’re definitely the latter:


1. You’re a school lunch maestro


On a Sunday morning your kitchen table looks like a factory production line, as you lay out and bag all the lunch items for the week. Five pieces of cheese, five apples, five crackers and five of whatever else the kids will eat (it changes regularly, we know) are nimbly fired into Ziploc’s ready to be popped into lunchboxes every morning. POW!


2. You’re up early every day


Your philosophy is the earlier you get up, the quicker you can get everything done. 



3. You buy ahead


You know those mums who are buying uniforms and pencil cases and books in August? Yep, the thoughts of that gives you the shivers. You’ve already been putting away bits and pieces since the previous April – when you got stuff in the sales. Smug, you? Never!


4. You’re a list writer


You’re NEVER far away from a list. Even if you’re in the toilet you’re scrawling a list with an eyeliner pen on some bog roll. Lists for lyfe!



5. Your wall calendar is indecipherable


You have a calendar on the wall that’s best described as ‘organised chaos’. Red lines, biro scrawls, and urgent notes in black marker that to another person it may as well be Japanese, but to you, it’s your guide to hold everything together.


6. Your freezer’s chock-a-block


You’re a big believer in cooking up huge batches of dinners on one designated cooking day. Sure, that day’s gone, so long, Auf Wiedersehen, but at least you can simply grab, defrost and heat for the rest of the week. 



7. Your handbag is a pharmacy-cum-supermarket


You’re prepared for every eventuality. Which is why you carry a tote bag the size of a small car around with you packed with plasters, sun cream and burn spray as well as cereal bars and drinks. No one will be sunburned / hungry / thirsty on your watch! 


8. You have everything in its place – and a place for everything


You know where absolutely everything is… because you have specific places designated for everything, and God help the kids / hubby if they don’t comply.


Are you a super organised mum? Or are you most definitely not? 


SHARE if you can relate / or if you know someone super organised! 



