Pregnancy is a fascinating thing and even more so for your partner who will never be able to fathom just exactly what it’s like to carry a tiny little human inside you.


And while everyone wants to bask in the glory of your impending motherhood, especially your other half, here are eight things they shouldn’t do, whether well meaning or not.


Tell everyone how moody you are

Your hormones are racing all over the place and your partner really shouldn’t be discussing them with all and sundry. Everyone needs to talk, so we will allow them to have a quick chat with their BFF over a beer. Just one though.


Tell you labour couldn’t possibly be that bad - “sure if it was nobody would do it”

Unless  they can push a 10lb baby out of them then they really need to keep their mouth closed.


Get really drunk when it’s just the two of you

Just because we have to give up alcohol doesn’t mean we expect our partner to as well. We just don’t like when they get really, really drunk and it’s just the two of us. In a restaurant. Having dinner.


Make fun of your swollen feet

Seriously, we bear a child for them and they mock us, really?!


Leave everything to the last minute

Don’t they know that they baby could come at this very second, and the nursery still isn’t done.


Buy food that makes you queasy

Seriously, the smell of that tuna and corn sandwich is just making us retch. 


Stay out late. A lot.

Fatigue and the inability to get in our going out dress means we’re stuck inside. So partners staying out late every weekend is a no, no.


 Talk about what’s going to happen during labour. All the time.  

It’s good that they’re interested in what will happen, but the last thing you want to do is discuss it over dinner. Or at all for that matter. 


You might want to leave this list open on your computer for them to accidently stumble upon.

