Childbirth is an amazing thing, but it is pretty difficult to prepare for it, because every woman has a different experience.  


However, when it comes to giving birth via C-section, there are certain things you should know regarding preparation and aftercare. 


1. Prepare yourself for the environment

At the end of the day, you are having a surgery, so the environment will be very clinical, and sterile.


There will be absolutely nothing warm and fuzzy about the set-up, and the medical staff will be wearing masks, which can be quite daunting. 


Just remember that the sterile environment is for your benefit, and you baby's benefit - it will be worth it, we promise. 


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2. You will be awake during the procedure

Before the procedure, your lower half will be numbed with a local anaesthetic, which means you will be awake for the whole process. 


However, a curtain will be pulled across your middle section, so you won't have to face the medical scenario that goes on. 


This can be a strange sensation, but it is amazing to be awake to welcome your little one into the world. 



3. It is major surgery, despite being a common procedure

C-sections are a very common procedure, but it is important to remember that it is still major surgery, and there are always risks. 


Your doctor will take all necessary precautions to ensure that you, and your gorgeous baby, will be safe and healthy. 


4. Sometimes, a C-section is safer than a vaginal birth

One common reason why women are scheduled for C-Sections is foetal malpresentation, which is when the baby is positioned in the womb any direction other than head down toward the birth canal. 


Your doctor may want to schedule a C-section if the baby is suspected to be heavier than normal. 


Pregnant Woman Sitting on Bed and Reading Book


5. Laughing, sneezing and coughing will be different

The feeling you get in your scar when you laugh, sneeze or cough will force you to rethink the intensity you will allow for these actions, and you may find yourself laughing ever so quietly and politely from now on. 


Woman Wearing White Floral Wreath on Her Head at Daytime


6. Having a C-section delivery is just as big of an accomplishment as a vaginal delivery

Having a C-section doesn't make you any less of a mother than someone who gave birth vaginally, ever. You still birthed that little bundle of joy, so you shouldn’t feel that you’re not equal to a mum who vaginally birthed. 


7. The recovery time is longer

Typically, women stay in hospital for three to four days after C-section delivery, which is longer than a vaginal birth. 


It can take a woman a longer period of time to bounce back after a C-section, but that is just the nature of having surgery, so don't worry yourself. 


Pregnant Woman Holding Baby Shoes in Her Tummy


8. You will have a scar

This probably won't come as a surprise to you, but you will be left with a significant scar (usually the size of your middle finger) around your pubic area. 


Stock up on Bio Oil, which will help the healing process and reduce the scar's intensity. 


9. Your scar will remain numb forever more

The chances are that the skin around your scar will stay pretty numb for some time, if not forever. You may get some sensation but nothing like before your C-section. 


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