What have become?


Try as we might to resist, as soon as we become parents we start to say the exact same things as all the other parents – the same things our mums and dads used to say to us in fact.


Stuff like: “Do not run in this house!” and “Do you have to potty?” and “Inside voices please!”


It’s basically a whole new language we suddenly find ourselves fluent in the second we become mums.


So when we came across video “Poo-Poo Parents Say” by Tripp and Tyler – three solid minutes of all the stuff we parents say to our kids – we became uncomfortably aware that WE say pretty much everything featured in it.


And while there’s no doubt most of it veers dangerously into the ridiculous, what can we do? Resistance is futile, so we might as well just go with it.


Now please excuse us while we tell the kids to “Get down from there!”



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