Time and time again we’re blown away by the wisdom of children. Perhaps it’s because they see things simply and clearly, and haven’t yet allowed complications or circumstances to cloud their innocent judgement. Whatever it is, it’s amazing, and we can learn a lot from them.


So we were awed (and in cute overload heaven) when we watched a video,posted on the Thinking Humanity Facebook page, of a very wise six-year old give her mum some advice about getting on with her dad – seriously, someone give her a chat show!



“Mom are you ready to be his friend?” she asks her mum seriously. “Try not to be that high up to be friends, I want everything to be low. Just try your best I don’t want you and my dad to be replaced and be mean again, I want you to be placed and settled and friends.


“I’m not trying to be mean. I just want everyone to be friends and if I can be nice I think all of us can be nice too. I’m not trying to be mean I’m trying to do my best in my heart nothing else than that. I want you mum, my dad to be friends I want everyone to be friends I want everyone to be smiling.”


See, so smart and sensible!


We can tell her mum is delighting in her little girl’s adorableness and trying not to giggle – something we can totally relate to. We’ve all been there when our little ones are being earnest, and if we laugh they get cross at us for not taking them seriously!


Well we think this little girl’s life philosophy is pretty much on the money: I want everyone to be friends and I want everyone to be smiling.



SHARE if you think this little cutie needs her own chat show! Oprah who?

