We mums and dads are dressing the tree, cooking the Christmas dinner and buying the presents (shh!) so of COURSE we deserve to get into a bit of mischief every now and then.  


Mischief like putting our sweet and innocent Elf on the Shelf into an array of naughty positions.


What on earth would Santa say?


That's what overindulgence gets you!



Punishment for naughty behaviour?



Working on those gains... 



Well when you have to go... 



And all because the lady loves... 






We'll never look at chocolate drops in the same way... 



Now that is a happy face! 






Elf clearly needs an intervention... 



Someone's place on the naughty list is pretty much guaranteed...



Have you any of your own naughty Elf on the Shelf snaps to share with us? Go on, we'd love to see them!


