Although mothers have less time to exercise and look after themselves properly after giving birth, they are in fact, healthier in the long run. Some health benefits can be gained from being an adoptive mother, while most come from being a birth mother.
There is evidence that women who have babies have a reduced risk of many types of cancer. There is less chance of uterine cancer, due to the expansion and contraction of the womb. Lower risk of breast cancer is one of the most important advantages of having a baby. Giving birth between 18 and 25 gives you a big advantage in avoiding breast cancer. From 25 to 30, you still benefit, but not as much. The reason for pregnancy reducing the chance of breast cancer is due to a number of factors. When you become pregnant, your body releases hormones and changes occur. One of these changes involves the maturation of your breast cells. This makes the individual cells less susceptible to becoming cancerous. The earlier in life that you are pregnant, the less time your breast cells have to immature and become more susceptible to cancer.
Breastfeeding helps prevent pre-cancerous cells from forming in your breasts. This advantage is only noticeable if you breastfeed for a few months at least. If your family has a history of breast cancer, then breastfeeding is even more important as a preventative measure. Breastfeeding delays the onslaught of high levels of post-pregnancy oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones can cause many tumours that are present in your body to grow at an exponential rate. Ovarian and endometrial cancer incidents are also significantly less among women who have children.
The hormonal changes can also reduce your risk of developing cancer. Your oestrogen levels lower and the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) circulates through your body. The hCG hormone has cancer-prevention properties. It is important, however, to note that excess body weight is a strong factor in breast cancer incidents. Try to lose weight after pregnancy, and limit your weight gain during pregnancy.
Having a baby can sort out many “female disorders” you may suffer from. Mothers find that once they have been pregnant, the severity of endometriosis symptoms are lessened. Mothers stand less chance of suffering from uterine fibroids. These are mostly benign tumours that grow from muscle tissue in the uterus. Fibroids in the uterus can become uncomfortable for a woman, and although pregnancy hormones make them bigger, they shrink after delivery of the baby.
The severity of polycystic ovary syndrome becomes less severe for sufferers who become moms. PCOS affects one in ten women and is a major cause of infertility. Women with PCOS may have trouble conceiving their first child, but this is less of a problem for subsequent conceptions.
Being a mother forces you to think beyond your own needs. You will want to live healthier and smarter for the sake of your child. Your health becomes a priority, to ensure that you will be around for your child. The majority of new moms state that they have dropped unhealthy habits, or taken steps to becoming healthier. Mothers try to improve their diets, exercise becomes important, many start paying attention to their mental health, mothers tend to consult doctors more often and as soon as problems are noticed, they drive more cautiously and they wear their seatbelts when driving.
Risky behaviour and unhealthy habits, such as binge drinking and smoking tend to fall away. Most mothers want to regain their pre-pregnancy figures, so exercise and sensible eating becomes important. These good habits are likely to continue, once they have recovered from pregnancy. Good eating habits and exercise routines are then passed onto the rest of the family, so that everyone in the household benefits.
Mothers are less prone to clinical depression, although the phenomenon of postpartum depression can confuse this generalisation.

