How many of us pee during exercise???? -Bullet Proof your Pelvic Floor

Last updated: 23/07/2013 08:20 by IamFitStrongMum to IamFitStrongMum's Blog
Filed under: Nutrition & Fitness
A few weeks ago a video was posted by CrossFit HQ highlighting the embarrassing urge to pee when performing double unders/skipping.

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I was staggered by how many women this affects.

What annoyed me about the video was that there was no explanation or fixer for these women. It was simply referred to as exercise induced peeing and that was that.

I can tell you exactly what is going wrong.

The impact of the double unders on a weakened pelvic floors is the problem.

I can almost lay my life on the odds that most of the ladies experiencing this have either had a baby or are reaching menopause.

In both cases the pelvic floor is weakened by pregnancy or the change in hormones affecting muscle elasticity.

I believe that this can be fixed/improved by addressing correct neutral alignment during double unders.

I learnt how to double under from my good friend and fellow CrossFit London coach Phillip Rolling. He coached me to always start on my toes with a squeezed butt, big chest and eyes gazing ahead.

I have never experienced anything even close to exercise induced peeing despite my pelvic floor having had a battering from pregnancy, labour and a C section.

I now know from reading Becoming a Supple Leopard, where Phillip takes his double under cues from.

Starrett,2013.pp:32 states Whenever you’re in an overextended position, your pelvic floor turns off, which can unleash problems galore, especially among women -they have trouble controlling their bladder. (This is one of the problems with doing a piked double under) Fixing this problem is really simple: squeeze your butt to set your pelvis in a neutral position, and then get your belly tight to brace the position. What you will find is that a lot of the issues caused by pelvic-floor dysfunction spontaneously resolve once your pelvis is locked into a neutral position.[/i]

I propose a test ladies.

Providing you have no underlining issues leftover from pregnancy still, that are affecting your training, let us experiment with our double under/skipping form and find out just how much our form affect our pelvic floor.

Starting your skips with good neutral pelvic alignment and see how you find this positioning. Avoid the tempatation to bring your knees up to your chest or pike at the hips and I am sure you will see an improvement.

Sally Dixey is a Foofoo Ambassador & Crossfit London Coach in East London.

For further information on pelvic floor recovery, pre & post natal fitness email Sally directly on

Starrett,K.2013,Becoming a Supple Leopard,Victory Belt Publishing inc,USA
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