Where have all the socks gone? 7 things I’ve lost since becoming a mum

Last updated: 28/01/2016 16:37 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
Becoming a mum is one of those amazing, life-changing moments that you never in a million years would want to give back. 
But motherhood requires a lot of hard work, much of which has to be done with little or no sleep.
And it’s the lack of sleep that I am totally blaming for half of what I've lost, although it's not to blame for EVERYTHING!  
1. My ability to reply to a text message
Pre-motherhood days I was all over that message in SECONDS. Now I don’t even read them properly.
2. My adventurous side
Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t some jungle-swinging, parachute-jumping wonder woman before I had my daughter, but ever since becoming a mum my impending mortality has been magnified ten-fold.
3. My keys (on more than one occasion)
I have a special place for my keys but I ALWAYS forget where it is, hence the fact I am constantly losing them.
4. My patience
I swear I start the day off with an abundance of it but, very quickly, it dwindles before it’s even nine o’clock.
5. My ability to finish a sentence
I tend to just let things trail off (hey, I'm tired!) but that’s if I’m not interrupted first.
6. My sanity
I’m pretty sure I lost this as soon as I entered the wonderful world of motherhood. Only having a few hours sleep would do that to you...
7. Socks
Finally, I know I can't technically blame this on motherhood, but I'm going to do it all the same; I don’t know how many socks I've put into the washing machine over the past few years never to be seen again. WHERE DO THEY GO?! WHERE?!
Mary Byrne is Deputy Editor at MummyPages and is mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad eight-year-old girl.
eSolution: Sheology
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