One bride-to-be took the opportunity to list reasons why some people would not be invited to her wedding - and posted it on Facebook.
The bride took to Facebook to list the reasons why some people in her life might not make the cut when it came to her big day.
She wrote, “We are sending out invites for the wedding this week. We only have so much room at the church and reception. I'm going to try and make this as simple as possible so no one gets butt hurt. If you do not get an invite here is a list of potential reasons why." 
She then went on to list the reasons:
1. If I have invited you everytime [sic] we have a group function and you never show up
2. If you are just a work acquaintance and I have never hung out with you outside of work
3. If I show up to thinks you invite me to and you never show up to our invites or even respond
4. If I have only hung out with you in a group setting and we're not that close of friends
5. If at any point you have ever talked shit about me or [groom] your [sic] definitely not invited
6. If your [sic] only going to show up for food and alcohol and really have no interest other than that
7. If you got married and I thought we were friends and you didn't invite me
This bride really didn’t mince her words.

