

Sisters share everything they say – but this trio are sharing more than most: pregnancy!


Texan sisters Samantha Sondrup, Kayla Baker and Nichelle Lyn took to Instagram, sonograms in hand, to announce they’re all pregnant at the same time.


“Sisters that are pregnant together stay together... ok that’s not a saying but we sure as heck will be chasing 3 little cousins together,” Samantha quipped on the happy Instagram snap.



“How special!” said one commenter, while another added, “You will love it! My boy is seven months behind my niece. It's the best and they're like siblings to each other!!


We can’t imagine anything lovelier than this. Having our sisters to share the crazy ride that is pregnancy would no doubt make the journey easier and of course, more fun!


SHARE if you think this would be a lovely way to get through pregnancy!


