Now that Christmas is over and the decorations have been packed away for another year, it can be easy to let the January blues set in. 


However, if you're anything like us, you probably have piles of Christmas cards from friends, family and co-workers that you simply don't know what to do with. 


Do you keep them as memories? Do they go in the recycling along with the festive wrapping paper? 


Luckily, there's a third option here. And it's hilarious. 


Joe Heenan recently took to Twitter to share his upcycling hack for used Christmas cards, and it's genius: 



Instead of throwing them away- repurpose them for the other, errr, events throughout the year. 


No more "Silent nights" with a new baby!   


 The three kings are so supportive of your driving ambitions!  


Well this one just speaks for itself...


The hilariously edited cards have taken Twitter by storm, with over 17,000 retweets and half a million likes. 


To top it off, others have been inspired to also share their funnily doctored cards: 



Side-splitting and saving the environment?!


Love. It.  

