Image result for epidural


Childbirth effects many women in many ways, and now researchers believe they have found a link between postpartum depression and the use of an epidural during labour.


A new preliminary study has shown how some women are psychologically affected by childbirth, and taking an epidural anaesthesia may just relieve more than pain.


Grace Lim, M.D., director of obstetric anaesthesiology at Magee Women’s Hospital said: “Labour pain matters more than just for the birth experience. It may be psychologically harmful for some women and play a significant role in the development of postpartum depression.


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“We found that certain women who experience good pain relief from epidural analgesia are less likely to exhibit depressive symptoms in the postpartum period.”


Now, we know that there are many factors as to why a woman may become depressed after giving birth. There could be pre-existing anxiety or depression, the physical pain of recovery is a huge factor, and of course, getting little sleep when your tiny tot comes along is no easy feat.


Researchers took these and many other factors into consideration and found that labour pain was one major factor in having postnatal depression. So, they believe that if they took that pain away, there's a chance to reduce depression in the aftermath.


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The study reviewed over 200 women who used an epidural and was asked to assess their pain from 0-10 throughout their labour. The percent improvement in pain (PIP) was calculated and the women were again assessed six weeks after. They found that women with a higher PIP score had a lower chance of being depressed.


While this could potentially change the game, there's currently no way to know how severe your labour pain will be and who will benefit the most from pain-relief.


We' all experience things in different ways, so while this may not be set in stone, you're better off to rely on yourself and listen to your body. You will know if you're doing the right thing for your body.


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