Most of us are all too familiar with frightening, often scary, stories of labour that people feel the need to tell you when you are expecting- the last thing any mum-to-be needs to hear, to be honest!


So we asked MummyPages Mums to share any funny or unusual stories about their experience to help other mums who are feeling a little apprehensive.


Prepare for a good chuckle! 


1. Kate Perks: "I had a trainee paramedic in with us, as he'd never witnessed a birth. Unfortunately for him he passed out and managed to knock himself out on the sink - that was my third. With my second, we had a knock on the door half way through, to tell us the blinds where open and they where holding a conference over the way and had seen everything.


2. Emma Lou: "After nine months of being duck morning noon and night and 52 painful hours of labour, I hate to say but I was sick in my partner's mouth. Not funny for him then but we do laugh about it now."


3. Helen: "I would rather give birth than have a tooth out. It's all fine... My waters went all over the midwife on my first daughter's birth. Bless her, she had to get changed and she looked like she had just been dunked. Her mates all laughed when she walked out. I was saying sorry for the rest of my labour."


4. Kathryn: "After I'd had an epidural the doctor was examining me and asked me to push so he could see if baby would move at all. I did as asked...and farted right in his face! Mortified was an understatement! My partner couldn't help but laugh!"


5. Stacey: "I got so high on gas and air that I sat in a rocking chair and told my hubby I was Bob Marley and I was jammin'." 


6. Karen: " Was at home a few weeks before by due date and my hubby and I were laughing and joking. [Suddenly] he ran out of the room towards the kitchen and I ran (woddled) after him. I thought he had gone to the kitchen but instead he jumped out from behind the dining room door giving me such a fright that I screamed and did a little wee!! I was laughing as I dashed up stairs to the bathroom. He was laughing too. A few minutes after I realised it wasn't a wee, but my waters had just broke! That's one way to get baby out."


7. Elva: "Iwas just moved to the labour ward and the midwife came and sat in between my legs, with a massive surgical scissors in her hand.I nearly jumped a mile off the bed! I screamed, "where are you going with that scissors?!" She laughed and said calmly, "I'm only cutting your knickers off". Well I laughed! I thought she was coming for me and not a sign of any pain relief."



8. Olivia: "The consultant squirted the needle filled with local anaesthetic into the eye of her colleague by mistake - Faulty Towers moment! Both had to go over to the sink and rinse her eye while we waited."


9. Sarah: "I'd been cooking gammon and chips while breathing through contractions. I managed to eat it for a bit of sustenance and set off for the hospital from Ripon. I started to feel nauseous from the contractions and I had to be sick as soon as I arrived on the ward. There I saw in the bowl a piece of gammon! I instantly got a nurse, asking: "Is my tongue meant to fall out during labor?"


10. Leah: "On my first, I was in the later stages of labour and in mid-contraction with no pain relief. Suddenly myself and the midwife turned at the sound of foil popping - my 'poor' husband was taking two Solphadene for a headache!


11. Laura: "While i was having horrible back labor, my boyfriend (fiancée now) was rubbing my back while I leaned over the bed. I then got sick - projectile! All across the bed and on floor, while peeing on his shoes. Not only that, but nurse/midwife (who must of been in their 50's) went round to clean it, cool as cucumber, when all of a sudden she went smack onto the floor backwards!! Didn't even see her fall she fell that fast!! Poor woman, I felt so bad, but couldn't even apologise as I was in the middle of contraction!!"


12. Tina: "I was so exhausted the day I went into labour on my second that I fell asleep and started snoring in the middle of pushing!"


