Unless you are one of the lucky few, you will no doubt understand just how tricky it is to find pleasure in a shopping trip when your other half is constantly questioning your reasons for buying certain things. 


Like those five inch heels that YOU know will hurt your feet. 


And while they tend to stay at home for the majority of the time, sometimes men forget just HOW much they actually hate the ordeal and agree to go.


But a shopping mall in Shangai, China, has created a nursery ESPECIALLY for men - and SOLVED all of our problems in the meantime.



Forget all about the kids' creche, this area has tables and chairs where your SO can eat and drink to his heart's content; there is also a massage chair and a fridge.



While the idea has yet to make it across the water, we're sure it won't be too long before mums are leaving the kids off at creche and the men off at nursery. And with Christmas just around the corner now is the perfect time to see a few opening up.


Debenhams, we're looking at you!


Feature image via ShanghaiEye

