Pregnancy is both a joyful and scary time, but all every expectant mother wants is to have a pregnancy that is happy and healthy.
Here are five ways to ensure you have a happy pregnancy.
Involve everyone
Try to involve everyone in your pregnancy including your other half, friends and family. Share your joy and fears and you’ll never feel alone. Even if you don’t think you need it, you need support so much more now that you are expecting.
Try to relax as often as possible, not only is stress bad for you and you baby, it can also create a bad vibe within your home. If possible, treat yourself to some much needed TLC and every now and then indulge in a massage or a beauty treatment that you always wanted pre pregnancy.
Focus on the positives
If you are having a hard time, try to focus on the positives. Ignore any sad birth stories from both friends and family and the media. These will just make you worry unnecessarily - remember, every woman’s labour experience is different.
Stay informed
Make sure you are well up on your pregnancy knowledge. This way you can approach your doctor with confidence if you feel like there is something wrong. You will definitely feel a lot more secure and happy if you have a fair idea what is going on with your body.
Treat yourself
Yes, you need to be body aware and to ensure you are only putting healthy things into your body, but you also need to treat yourself every now and then. Don’t sacrifice all the fun things in life - otherwise you may just end up resenting the pregnancy which can leave you feeling unhappy and sad.
Enjoy it
Your body is going to change, don’t think it won’t, but try to embrace it and you will a whole lot better. Don’t fret over weight that you put on or stretch marks that you get. Your body is doing something truly remarkable.

