While it is common for kids to pick up bad habits such as biting their nails, picking their nose, scratching their skin or eating their hair it doesn't mean it should be ignored. Unfortunately, the longer they continue their habit the harder it will be for them to stop.
Thankfully, there are things that you can do to stop it before it gets too far. 
Focus on one habit at a time
If your youngster has more than one bad habit, try to focus on stopping the worst one. Don’t pressure your kiddie to change all their habits at once because it will just add more pressure to them in the long run which may just aggravate the issue.
Don’t make a fuss
Kids relish their parents attention be it positive or negative and by commenting on their habits you will be giving them exactly what they are looking for. The more you fuss over it the more your little one will do it.
Praise them when they stop
If you notice your little one has made the effort to stop, praise him or her. It will give them a boost to their confidence and kids love nothing more than praise off their parents.
Make their lives stress-free
Many kids start a habit simply as a form of stress relief and can be done without them being aware of what they are doing. If you find their habits are particularly aggressive around a certain time, talk to them and figure out what is going on in their lives that may be aggravating the problem.
Tell them why they should quit
It is important that you explain to your little ones why they should stop, this will help them put the issue into perspective. if they are biting their nails tell them they can’t wear nail polish and if they pull their hair explain to them that it will never get a chance to grow long.
Show them support
Breaking a habit is hard so it is important your little one knows that you are there for them. If possible, try to do it as a team and break one of your own bad habits - turn it into a game and this way your little one won’t feel alone.
Remember, breaking a habit is hard and the only way to stop it is through perseverance and hard work.

