While a missed period is a pretty good indicator that you are expecting, there are a few other things you can do to tell if you are with child or not… like mix your urine with toothpaste.


Apparently, the ‘toothpaste pregnancy test’ is gaining in popularity as an alternative test, with an increasing number of people Googling the term, according to HuffPost UK.



So how does it work?


Well, according to the below clip on YouTube, when you mix the urine of a pregnant woman with toothpaste it goes all frothy and a bluish colour.


However, Stuart Gale told the publication that we should take any results with a pinch of salt.



“The fizz in the toothpaste is caused by the acid in the urine reacting with the calcium carbonate in the toothpaste to give off carbon dioxide,” he said.


“The more acidic the urine is, the greater the fizz. Whether or not a person is or isn’t pregnant wouldn’t make any difference.”


Have you ever tried it?


