Incredibly rare medical case sees mum gives birth to twins 11 weeks apart

A 29-year-old woman, who lives in Northern Kazakhstan, has given birth to twins on two occasions.

Lilliya Konovalova gave birth to her daughter, and 11 weeks later gave birth to a son. "My son was in no rush to come out into the world," said Konovalova, according to the Daily Mail. 

An 11-week interval between the birth of twins is not unheard of- the record for the longest amount of time between the birth of twins is actually 87 days, which was set back in 2012. 

One of the twins gestated in a separate womb due to Konovalova's condition, called uterus didelphys. The disorder is essentially a double uterus, and is surprisingly common.

Roughly one in every 2,000 women have uterus didelphys, which occurs early in development. The two tubes that female fetuses have, which normally fuse into one uterus, develop into two separate wombs.

Konovalova's pregnancy is totally against all odds, where each baby develops it's own womb. In fact, the odds of it happening are just one in 50 million according to Scientific American.

In 2014, a woman in the UK with uterus didelphys gave birth to triplets, two of whom shared a uterus, and one of which had its own. 

However, no other documented case featured babies born on separate occasions, which means Konovalova's pregnancy was rare on two counts. 

When Konovalova's daughter Liya was born, the mum was only 25 weeks into her pregnancy —  just past the threshold at which a baby can survive outside of its mum's womb.

When Maxim was born, he'd had much longer to develop inside the womb. Luckily, Konovalova and her twins are both healthy and almost ready to leave the hospital.


