You asked

Is it safe to have oral sex after childbirth and how long should I wait?

Oral sex, as well as other external forms of pleasure like masturbation, are safe within a few days of childbirth. That is as long as you stay away from the vagina and focus on the area around the clitoris. Other good advice is to be extra careful with stitches and wounds from tearing or episiotomies. This helps to minimise the chance that any bacteria in your partner’s mouth could cause an infection.
You should also remember that placing a tampon (or any other foreign object) inside your vagina to stop the flow of lochia is not advised. That’s because any objects in your vagina before you’re given the all clear by your doctor increase your risk of infections.
If you, and your partner, are comfortable (and have the energy for) oral sex within a few days of childbirth, then you should feel free to go ahead – as long as it stays external, there’s no risk.

More questions

There are some very good reasons that you would want to avoid sexual intercourse.
Your vagina will naturally shrink after delivery, as your body heals, but whether it returns to its original size, depends on a number of factors.
Your menstrual cycle usually starts towards the end of your breastfeeding phase, but how regular it is once it is back varies from woman to woman.
It is not uncommon for women to experience pain and discomfort during sex, for the first couple of months after having a baby.
The delaying effect that breastfeeding has on the return of normal menstruation has an effect on fertility and can be considered as a method of contraception – although it is not a very reliable one.
The Intrauterine System, or IUS, is an effective method of birth control that is safe to use while breastfeeding.
It is true that some women experience a drop in their sex drive while breastfeeding, however, this isn’t always the case.
The return to your normal cycle is not a hard and fast rule and it can take anything from a month to a year before your first post baby period happens.
It is entirely up to you and your husband as to when you want to start having sex after the birth of your baby. The best thing to do is to have patience and wait until your body is ready for sex after your baby is born.
As very often happens, if you are just too tired to have sex after a long day, then tell your husband. If he is understanding and clever, he will help you as much as he can. After all, you will both benefit from this.

