Ashley Hertzog had her mum over one evening when she thought it would be a good idea to play some games. 


And the first one to come to mind, was MadGab. 


Through the game, a person has to try and figure out a messed up sentence by sounding out the words. 



So naturally enough, Ashley's husband, Mason, thought it would be hilarious to record the event - and my oh my, are we happy that he did! 


Ashley's mum, Wendy, obligingly sat at the dinner table, trying hard to sound out the words on the cards in front of her, and while she finds it difficult to figure it out, we have it all summed up in an instant. 



However, after less than thirty seconds of sounding words, Wendy begins to give up, wanting to move onto the next card.


Nonetheless she still doesn't know what is happening; Wendy has gone from being her own mother to the possibility of becoming pregnant quite soon. 


Around that point it is pretty clear the game was played on purpose, as the moment gold struck in Wendy's head, we figured Ashley had a DIY moment with the cards. 



The cards read: "I am going to be a grandmother" and "Ashley and Mason are pregnant."


Wendy is about to become a grandmother, as Ashley and Mason are welcoming their first child into the world, wanting nothing more than to reveal their news in the playful spirit of their family. 


But the best part? When Grandma asks the all elusive question to Wendy - giving Mason quite the surprise... Lol.



Have you had any unique ways of revealing your pregnancy to your family? Share them with us in the comments. 

