As exciting as a new baby can be, the decision about how to tell your other kids can be a tough one.


Some can be incredibly excited about the idea of a new baby brother or little sister; however, there are those who want to keep Mum and Dad all to themselves or don’t want to have to compete with one more tot for their attention.


Well, The Modern Mumma has shared the hilarious way she told her little ones she was expecting baby number four, and it's definitely to the point.



A photo posted by M E L W A T T S (@themodernmumma) on


Posting the letter to her youngest’s crib, Mel explained the situation in very frank terms.


“We’re sorry we lied, you aren’t our last baby,” reads the note.


“You have until June 2017 to get used to the idea. Until then, we’d appreciate it if you learnt to sleep through the night.”



 Mel announced the news to her followers, saying:


“What’s one more? We’re having number four. The kids are pumped. Nolan and I are over the moon.”


While the post of her little one crying might not have gone down so well with some, many found the note hilarious, and Mel defended the pic, saying: “I can assure you our little girl wakes up like this ALL.THE.TIME!”



A photo posted by M E L W A T T S (@themodernmumma) on

