Since early May, over 2,300 kids have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexican border as part of the Trump administration's 'zero tolerance' immigration policy. 


Beyond feeling devastated, it's understandable to feel powerless when hearing about such heartbreaking matters.


However, two mums found a way to make a difference.


Karen Ross, an assistant professor of conflict resolution, and Abby Wood, a law professor at the University of Southern California, came together to start the #Postcards4Families campaign.



These mums found an incredible way to take action. In their campaign, adults and children write postcards to people in power at government bodies like the White House, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and ICE.


These handwritten postcards contain messages about the importance of keeping families together.


Speaking to Mashable, Abby said, "I know how traumatic it would be for me to be separated from my kids, and when I was a kid, to have been separated from my family, particularly if no one taking me away spoke my language."


She believes that the postcards are an excellent way for parents to educate their children on this issue. The mum-of-two has discussed the border separations with her five-year-old.



"When you tell your kids about it, you can immediately empower them to send postcards to the people in charge of the policy, demanding they change it," Abby imparted.


"The message is: 'this situation is terrible, but you can talk to the people in charge to ask them to fix it. We should speak up for families like ours that weren't lucky enough to be born here.'"


Not only are the postcards sending an important message, but for each child's postcard shared only with the hashtag #postcards4families, Abby, Karen, and others will donate $5 to Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES).



RAICES is just one of numerous organisations working to reunite families separated at the border.


"As of this morning we have about $7,700 that individuals have pledged as donations to RAICES for postcards written," Karen said, "We'll also use that money to match any direct donations that are part of our fundraiser..."


The fundraiser will end on Sunday, June 24. People can donate and share their #Postcards4Families until then.

