Pregnancy is an extremely overwhelming time for many women, particularly as they reach their third trimester.


So to help anyone currently in or approaching their last few weeks, we asked our Mums to share any advice they had, and this is what they said:


1. Relax, take your time and mediate

Milannia Squire: "Just remember to relax and take time out of your day to meditate. It's a once-in-a-lifetime feeling with each and every one of your kids, so enjoy it while you can. Remember, pregnancy is a beautiful thing."


2. Remember, that you're doing great

Jennifer Anne Tarver: "You'll do great. Even on the 'bad' days, you will be doing great."


3. Buy lip balm

Rebecca Little: "Keep working as long as you can until the birth, then you have more time off work to enjoy when baby arrives! Also, buy lip balm and a cooling water spray for when you're in labour: gas and air made my lips really dry and maternity wards are stiflingly hot so anything to cool you down is a good thing!"


4. Batch cook 

Lisa Fairgrieve-Sealey: "Don't forget thick maternity pads! In the last few weeks do whatever you need to to feel comfortable: sleep, eat, chill, get a few meals batch cooked and in the freezer, check your hospital bag, watch films and DON'T WORRY. 


5. Don't stress

Shelley Roberts: "Don't stress about what you haven't had chance to do yet. All baby really needs is a car seat, pram, nappies, clothes and somewhere safe to sleep (and bottles if you're bottle feeding, obviously), and you need your toiletries. The rest of the 'essentials' aren't essentials at all, so don't stress and think that you have to have it all weeks and weeks before due date. Take time to chill, and have plenty of dates because they're few and far between once baby arrives!"




