It’s very well known that drinking while trying for a baby is not encouraged but now recent research has said that men, if they are planning to be a father, should also be watching the how much alcohol they drink.


Georgetown University Medical Centre conducted a study that showed newborn babies were at a higher risk of developing foetal alcohol spectrum disorder if the father is a regular drinker.


Researcher Dr Joanna Kitlinska said newborns could still develop this even if mum has never had a drop of alcohol.


Dr Kitlinska said of the study:


“Up to 75% of children with FASD have biological fathers who are alcoholics, suggesting that pre-conceptual paternal alcohol consumption negatively impacts their offspring.”


And it’s not just alcohol that this study says men need to worry about.


It also says that a man’s age, lifestyle and experiences can impact the physical and mental development of a child.


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