We all know that a man who cooks, cleans and - at the very least - gives a hand with the chores is the BEST kind of man. But, we're not all lucky in that department.


Nope. Sadly, some women are left with the majority of the household chores to do on their own. And while we certainly don't condone infidelity, it seems a few women know exactly how to get their own back. 


In fact, a study has found that women are more likely to cheat on a partner who doesn’t pull their weight in the home.



Yup, really.


According to a survey of 10,000 women conducted by Gleedon, seven in 10 revealed that they strayed in their relationship because their partner failed to clean the toilet or empty the dishwasher.


The, site which is used by those who want to be unfaithful, said that a whopping 73 percent of women were driven to infidelity because of their other half’s lack of cleaning.


86 percent were frustrated by their man’s inability to do chores and said the burden left them looking for satisfaction and a desire to feel feminine, according to The Local.



Maybe refer to this article the next time your other half “forgets” to put their dishes in the actual dishwasher and not the sink...


