The internet is loving one woman’s witty shopping list that she gave to her husband. Era Londhe trusted her husband enough to send him out on a solo trip to the supermarket, but not without a well-detailed shopping list, the list even features little doodles of vegetables.


Era tweeted the clever list which has received huge respect from women online.


Many women have little knacks when it comes to grocery shopping. They know which bread is the freshest, the wallet-friendly offers on fruit they shouldn’t pass and which cereal will last the longest especially during those busy mornings before school.


Era knew her husband’s shopping knowledge was nowhere near as extensive as hers so she wrote this list to help him out on his quest to buy the weekly food shop.


She tweeted, “This is the task I gave my hubby this week,” along with a photograph of their shopping list.



The list featured doodles of onions, potatoes, spinach, and palak so her husband could easily identify the vegetables.


She even added the weight of the product so her husband knew how much he should buy. She needed 1.5kg of onions and 1kg of potatoes.


There was no chance of her husband messing up, especially when it came to the size of the vegetables she needed. Era drew three different sized potatoes and even drew an arrow to the one her husband should buy.


She also drew two diverse types of minchi and advised her husband on which one to purchase. She also told him to ask for free minchi too.


The hilarious idea has received so much praise online, especially on Twitter where Era originally posted the list.


The tweet that was posted on September 23, 2017, has over 5000 likes and nearly 1400 retweets.


One person, who adored her sense of humour, tweeted Era saying, “You should write a book! We'll be first in line to buy it.”



One man thanked her for the idea, “This is just great, l mean as a guy, l struggled with the pictures at first but got it eventually.”


Another user responded tweeting, “The "ask for free mirchi" was the icing on the cake.”


Era admits that the wave of love she has received for this list has been overwhelming.


She tweeted, “The response has overwhelmed me. Truly humbled by the attention, to be honest.”


Era’s clever shopping list is set to inspire women all around the world.

