Child birth is a painful experience. But this California-based photographer turned her labour into something truly beautiful. 


Lisa Robinson-Ward, who specialises in wedding photographer, captured her labour on camera, and the incredible moment her daughter Anora arrived into the world.


"I didn’t know if I’d be able to take photos or not," she told The Huffington Post. "I had my mind set on doing it, but I wasn’t sure I’d actually be able to pull it off."


Thankfully it was a relatively easy delivery, so she managed to pull if off perfectly, and the results are stunning. 


"I took pictures while I pushed," she explained. "When I was ready to push, I’d bring my hands and the camera up to my face. I didn’t know what I was getting at the time, and I didn’t know if anything was going to be in focus. But it helped me focus."


"Part of me worried that if I was taking photos, I was not going to really be there. But I was totally there. I was so present when she was coming out of me."


The beginnings



A smile of encouragement



Til the big arrival



Dad's tears of joy



Cutting the cord



Hello world!



Ah, you're my mummy...



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