An advertisement in Michigan for a plastic surgery office originally read: “Friends don’t let friends muffin top.”
However, some clever passersby decided to change the ad to a more positive message. The ad now reads: “You’re beautiful”
Obviously, the plastic surgery office, Ann Arbor Plastic Surgery, were not impressed with the vandalism. They defended their original ad in a statement:
“The decision to have plastic surgery is a highly personal one. Our patients run the gamut from young women whose breasts are so asymmetric they have never worn a bathing suit to elderly patients who have lost part of their facial structure to cancer. Our ads were meant to emphasise the lighter side of plastic surgery, and were certainly not targeted at one particular group or body composition.”
This isn’t the first time the surgery has been under fire for their ads – a previous ad showing two coffee cups, one big and one small, with the slogan “Size matters” angered passersby just as much.
One person commented on their Facebook page saying that she found both ads utterly tasteless:
“I find the muffin ad just as tasteless and horrible as the coffee cup ad - it's not funny. Kids that tease other kids for having 'muffin tops' are called bullies. I don't think we need giant billboards that do the same thing.”

