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Your search on health has produced the following results on MummyPages:
How much salt should I be having? but in small amounts. about 4 grams a day is considered to be healthy. the most you should have is 6 grams (1 teaspoon) – this is including the salt from the processed foods you eat as...
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Use by date vs. best before date: what is the difference?
use by date vs. best before date: what is the difference? to avoid wasting food and to ensure the health of your family, you should know the difference best before dates are labelled on foods that...
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What is an ultrasound? and location of the placenta. how is an ultrasound carried out? the pregnant mum to be raises her top up to under the bust and opens the top of their trousers pushing them down slightly. a...
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What routine blood tests do I need during pregnancy? and any issues which may arise as your pregnancy progresses. blood group your blood group will be established as this is critical information should you need to have a transfusion during...
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When should I tell my boss I’m pregnant? during and immediately after the pregnancy. the parental leave (amendment) act 2006 which provides for a period of unpaid parental leave for parents to care for their children and for a...
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Is caffeine safe in pregnancy? professionals recommend limiting intake during pregnancy.
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Can I go to the gym while pregnant? throughout the pregnancy and after.
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Miscarriage risk - what is it?
...healthy. we do know of some factors that may increase the chances of miscarriage: your age – the older you are when you conceive, the more likely it is that developing baby will have a...
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How long should I breastfeed? of your breast milk is dependant on your own health and nutritional intake. there are other health benefits for both you and your baby, as far as breastfeeding goes. your child is less likely...
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How do I attach baby? nurse.
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When can I take a bath or hot tub again after delivery?
when can i take a bath or hot tub again after delivery? the general consensus among healthcare providers is that it is safe to have a nice warm bath straight after delivery. if you think about it...
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Exercise after having a baby: is it safe?
exercise after having a baby: is it safe? exercise is definitely a part of dropping post baby weight, along with a healthy diet. however, there are limits to how much you can do and how soon you can...
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Do I need to sterilise bottles and when do I stop? organization (who) recommends that sterile liquid formulas or powdered formulas reconstituted with boiled water, be used for high risk infants. the european society for paediatric...
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Is it safe to have a mammogram while pregnant? is also important to your baby!
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Does sugar make children hyperactive?, especially when you feel like the foods he is eating has something to do with it, make sure to watch is diet and ask for recommendations from your doctor. does sugar make children hyperactive?...
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What are the benefits of breastfeeding? and quality of life for your baby. also, a very special bond is developed between mother and child during breastfeeding. just some of the benefits of breastfeeding for babies include the fact...
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Breastfeeding and sex drive. Is there a connection? benefits that breastfeeding offers your baby more than outweigh the temporary dip in your libido.
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New baby hygiene: should everyone wash their hands?
new baby hygiene: should everyone wash their hands? making sure your newborn stays healthy and happy is as much about common sense as it is about care and washing hands is one of the simplest ways to...
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Smoking after pregnancy: I want to keep off them, help! risk. even if you smoke outside the house only, chemicals and smoke seep into your skin and clothing. any contact you have with your child after smoking results in exposure to nicotine and ash...
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