There are plenty of reasons to stay at home with your children (or not to.) Sometimes, it’s purely a financial decision, while other times, it’s a question of the level of childcare your child will get if you work. Sometimes it’s an emotional decision, because you want to be the one caring for your child every day. Whatever the reason, however, the considerations you need to make are the same – whether you can afford to stay home, whether you will be able to handle the responsibilities that come with full time parenting and whether you’re prepared to put your career ambitions on hold for a while.
While the factors involved in deciding to stay at home with children may differ, the reason that mums and dads choose to do it are very similar. They want to be there for their children’s developmental milestones, they want to have a hand in their upbringing and they want to spend time with their children.
The experts differ on the results of parental care though. Studies at the University of Minnesota in the United States and at the University of Massachusetts have found completely opposite results in children who are cared for by parents. The former discovered that children who are cared for by a parent are happier, less stressed and less aggressive than their peers in child care. The latter discovered that children who are in full time day care tend to do better than their stay-at-home counterparts. The question is not really whether you or someone else cares for your child though. It’s whether your child is getting the best quality care he or she can.
The best idea is to make a list of the pros and cons of being a stay at home parent with your partner. List everything from financial matters to your relationship, the possibility of earning an income at home, and the effects on your child. Then use that list to make an informed and considered decision. Remember, you won’t have to be a stay at home parent forever – you can always return to work later on. You also don’t have to choose this option if you are career focused. It’s perfectly acceptable to choose either, and the choice really is yours.

