Being a mum is hard work and taking our little ones shopping is definitely one of those things that we could probably do without, but needs must and all!


Thankfully, shops do try to accommodate parents as much as they can, especially when it comes to parking.


The parking bays designated to mums are wider and closer to the store making life just that teeny bit easier when taking Baby out of the car.



However, there will always be a handful of people who will use the parking spots to their own advantage, even if they don’t have children with them.


And it’s not just parent and child bays that are at risk; disabled spots are also vulnerable to that person who decides their need is greater than someone who actually deserves the spot.


However, Tesco has decided to tackle this really annoying problem by issuing a £40 fine to anyone who is reported for incorrectly using the bays. This will increase to £70 if it is not paid within 14 days.



Using its mobile app, staff will be able to report misuse of parking spaces to put an end to the matter once and for all.


According to the Derbyshire Times, Tesco hopes the new policy will “introduce a self-monitoring initiative to highlight the importance of using the bays properly.”


So far, the scheme has been trialled in 81 stores with plans to roll it out to over 200 in the future.


SHARE your thoughts on the scheme.


