Your body goes through a lot of stress and trauma when your baby is born. During the first couple of weeks there are major changes to your sleeping cycle and hormone balance. At the same time, you might be experiencing feelings of doubt, confusion and anxiety over the prospect of motherhood. All these factors contribute to the onset of baby blues. Since baby blues are caused by hormones, fatigue and your emotional state, they will go away once your body and situation normalises.
Baby blues aren't classed as an illness, so there is no defined treatment. With help, support and understanding from the people around you, you will overcome this period of mild depression. Make sure that you aren't overworked looking after your baby. Try to get enough sleep. Fatigue plays a big part in making the baby blues worse. Even if you only manage to sneak in 10 minute naps at a time, it all adds up.
Your partner, family and friends can all play a part in helping you through this difficult time. Make sure that you can speak about your feelings and emotions freely with your partner. Allow them, or request them, to make meals, do chores or help with caring for your child. If your duties around the house are made lighter, it will aid your recovery. Your family needs to know that you have to look after yourself at times, but that it does not mean that you are neglecting them.
Baby blues and postpartum depression are often mixed up, because the symptoms are almost the same. The big differences are the time of onset, and the duration of the depression. PPD can start at any stage during the first year of your baby's life. PPD is an illness that needs professional long-term treatment. Baby blues will come and go within the first month after delivery.

