Being pregnant can be a confusing time with so much information out there about what you can and can’t do. However, while you might shrug your shoulders and roll your eyes at what women who have already had babies say, believing them to be exaggerating, you should have a read of these ten pregnancy truths.


You can put on too much weight

Yes you can put on too much weight when you are expecting a baby, so it is important you maintain a healthy diet. While you need extra nutrients you don’t necessarily need to eat for two. Being overweight can cause birth defects, complications and having an overweight child.


Some household cleaners are dangerous

While you can carry on as normal for the most part, when it comes to cleaning your home you do need to be careful of what products you use. Avoid anything toxic or with a really strong smell like bleach as it can be bad for your baby. Try to stick with natural alternatives or only work in a really well ventilated place.


You can develop gestational diabetes

While you might have laughed at the idea of developing gestational diabetes, it is actually an ever growing problem that can be dangerous. While it can be down to your genes and age, being overweight is another factor. It can cause pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia and even preterm birth.


Too much stress is bad for you

We all know that too much stress is bad for you at normal times but it is particularly dangerous when you are pregnant. We don’t mean the normal everyday types of stress triggers but if you are struggling with major stressful times and depression you need to seek help.

