If you’re looking to find that special someone, we reckon that getting proactive is the first big step – which is why Yvonne Eisenring is our new hero.


Two years ago, at the age of 27, Yvonne was one of the youngest and most successful TV presenters in her native Switzerland.


Life was great, but she was missing one thing: love.



Keen to investigate whether it would be easier to find love when you don’t have a career and the trappings of modern life holding you back, Yvonne decided to quit her job and travel the world in pursuit of the big ‘L’.


Two years later, Yvonne has just released a novel entitled Ein Jahr Fur Die Liebe (One Year For Love), documenting her adventure, which took her to 12 countries over the space of a year.


In an interview with VICE, Yvonne explained: “We’re very performance-oriented. Everything we do has to result in something. And since being in love doesn’t yield immediate results, we choose to spend our time on our bodies, careers, or social media profiles instead.”



Ab nächster Woche im Handel... #myfirstbook #einjahrfuerdieliebe #excited #cantwaitd

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“You only have time to meet someone between leaving the office and going to the gym,” she mused.


In the space of that year, Yvonne went on 50 dates, and while she’s tight-lipped over whether or not she actually found her ‘one’ (you need to read the book, duh!), she did learn some valuable lessons.


For Yvonne, the biggest surprise was that men – not just us ladies – are also ‘hustling to find love’ right now.



As for the greatest lesson she learned? Risk-taking is SO worth it.

Pass us the P-45s!


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