Have a specific time limit set for how long your child can watch TV. Try to make a note of what your child is watching and when it comes to an end, just switch the TV off.

Keep an eye on the time, your child won’t remind you when to turn off the television so make sure you don’t forget to switch it off!

Try to avoid turning on the TV before school, not only is it a waste of time, but you will actually find it increasingly difficult if they are sitting like zombies in front of cartoons. Turn off the TV at meal times and make sure that you use the time to spend it as a family, talking and connecting. 

Have the TV in a family room and don't allwo your child to have one in his bedroom as it makes it more difficult to monitor how much is being watched.

Try to make informed decisions about what you allow your child to watch. Check it out online or use the TV classifications as a guide.

Watching TV should never be more important than any other household activities. You should never plan your day around it.

Follow a period spent watching TV with some physical activity, such as kicking a football together or getting out for a cycle.

Turn off the TV at night, instead have a family reading night or play a board game together.

